Culture Vulture: A Podcast Eyeing Cultural Downtrends

“Keep it or kill it?”

Our lives and our culture are in a state of accelerated change. Delve into the mayhem by tuning in to Culture Vulture, a weekly podcast that explores a cultural item in decline and presents arguments for why it should either remain with us or be cast away forever. Stay on your toes as the hosts and guests explore topics that range from seemingly inconsequential to wholly life-altering.


Lighthearted, Informal, Compelling

+ Name and Logo/Cover Art
+ Website
+ Branded merchandise
+ Studio space
+ Advertisements/Promotional Marketing


Culture Vulture is designed to be appealing to both those who are deeply enmeshed with the flux of life and culture, and also those who are more attached to their personal lives and routines. Because of this range in audience, Culture Vulture aims to give the listener the final decision on each topic. The hosts zoom in on a grain of culture, dissect it, and present cases for why it ought to stay or go, but the episodes will never formally reach a final verdict. This gives listeners an opportunity to digest new, niche, and interesting information that they can use to form an opinion of their own.

+ What makes a podcast worth listening to?

+ What does a typical podcast brand look like?

+ How can the visuals of a podcast support content that changes so often?

LiranFedermann_CultureVulture_podcast_Studio Space.jpg

To fulfill this project, I recorded a full-length episode of the show. Luckily, I have talented friends and family who pitched in to bring this to life. A big thanks to my friends Marcelo Nylund and Shelby Rodger for lending me recording equipment, Marcelo again for co-hosting, Colin McVey for his fresh and insightful NASCAR takes, and my sister, Kaylee Federmann, who created custom music for the show.

You can listen to the full episode here.

The ads zero in on the podcast’s actual content in order to attract an audience. Both the traditional ads and the promotional marketing seen in places like YouTube draw attention through quotes from the show that are visually connected to their respective topics.


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