Piggies infant nail parlor


“Love the little things”

Of the myriad of challenges that come with parenting an infant, an overlooked endeavor is trimming their nails. It’s a task that must be done often to ensure safety when babies wave their chubby hands around uncontrollably. Piggies infant nail parlor is a warm and loving space where parents can take their little ones to get their nails trimmed with the confidence and relief that the process will be neither difficult nor painful.


Simple, Caring, Delightful

+ Name and Logo
+ Visual Identity
+ In-situ products (towel, apron, bowls, etc)
+ In-store products including a complete infant nail kit and merchandise
+ Photography
+ Advertisements in print, social media, and OOH
+ Illustrations: Gilles Stromberg (Syracuse University ’12)


As a nail parlor catering toward the new mom and her infant child, Piggies exudes the same love and care for their customers as their customers would for their little ones. It is a one-of-a-kind place built on joy and trusting relationships, designed to help new moms as they learn and explore the early stages of motherhood.

As a male entering his twenties, this project posed a unique challenge in communicating to an audience that I had little to no relationship with. Using my own mom as one of many resources, I used the questions below to guide my thinking:

+ What makes a brand trustworthy to mothers when their infant is part of their decision-making?

+ How might this brand tell a story that delves deeper than “we can cut your infant’s nails!”?

+ What visual cues are universally adorable and how can those be implemented?

In order to communicate the brand’s focus on infants, the advertising applies the concept of royalty to turn babies into the center of attention. The bundle of cuteness I photographed for these ads is named Ruby. Along with being the inspiration for this project, she is the daughter of a proud mother who was my supervisor at my on-campus job.

Crib Ad_poster.jpg

Defeathered: Bird Ops Declassified